Solution One: Instead of a "cheat meal", I work things into my diet several times a week and adjust my calories and macros accordingly. For example, I may have a glass of wine with dinner or a square of dark chocolate with raw nut butter on it for dessert. This is not something I do every night, or even every week, but I like to know the option is there. The result is I am able to stick to my meal plan and I don't cave to evil cravings.
Solution Two: The "healthy cheat". A "healthy cheat" means you would eat your normal diet but disregard portion size and caloric intake for one meal. That's right, you can eat as much chicken breast, broccoli and brown rice as you can handle. This is a great idea if you are training for a competition or are trying to reach a specific goal. I have done this with great success and, usually, I feel so full afterwards that I don't want to eat anything else. Mission accomplished.
Solution Three: The "cheat hour". If you have great willpower and know you will be able to get back on track, you might consider this option. You have one hour to eat anything you want. I find this to be useful if I am eating out and there is something I really want on the menu. I usually prepare my own food, but when I do dine out, it tends to be a clean choice like sushi. This solution allows me to order the roll with the good sauces or even one that is flash fried. (Yes, I did just write that.)
Eating clean 100% of the time is extremely challenging and it is a trial and error process to manage your cravings. What works for one person, may not for another so experiment with these ideas and come up with a few of your own. Occasionally, I do have an actual "cheat meal" but I like to save those for special occasions!
Until next time, be your best self everyday and keep it Fit with Attitude!
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