Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's in Your Refrigerator?

Your refrigerator: The main staple of your kitchen where all the good stuff is. Your family has spent hours standing in front of it with the door open waiting for something magical to happen but that usually ends in disappointment. Then there is your freezer: That mystical, frosty place where anything could be hiding. If you have been putting off cleaning out these two items, it is time to screw your courage to the sticking place and do it. Today. First, arm yourself with a large trash bag. Second, start discarding items with wild abandon that have expired or are questionable. In all seriousness, get rid of everything that is not essential, you haven't used in six months or you know could be a temptation. Then the questions come to mind, "What is good?", "What should I keep?" and "What should I buy?" Hopefully, I can provide some guidance.

What is good? Start with the expiration date, or in the case of produce, its appearance, texture and smell. If any of those seem off, toss it. If those seem okay, put it back on the shelf for now. What should I keep? I think you know so be honest with yourself and make good choices. What should I buy? Now, there is the real question. The first two are mostly common sense but it is this very question that causes people the most anxiety. Stocking your refrigerator with the proper essentials can be confusing and, occasionally, costly. Some basics to always have on hand: Apple Baby Food, Eggs, Egg Whites (Pasteurized), Low-Fat Cottage Cheese, Non-Fat Greek Yogurt, Protein Shakes, Protein Bars, Starkist Tuna Pouches, Unsweetened Almond Milk (Original, Vanilla and Chocolate), Cranberry Juice, Diet Soda and Water. Produce will vary but these are pretty steady residents of my fruit and vegetable drawers: Apples, Lemons, Strawberries,Watermelon, Asparagus, Avocado, Baby Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Celery, English Cucumber, Hearts of Romaine Bag Lettuce, Garlic, Kale, Onions (Purple and Yellow) and Scallions. I have never been big on condiments so this is a short list: Organic Ketchup, Fat Free Caesar Dressing and Low Sodium Soy Sauce.

Now, we must talk about the freezer lest it become jealous of the refrigerator. The game meat from the "epic hunt" five years ago, needs to go. My boyfriend had a hard time parting with such things and I threw them out anyway. If it is more than six months old its probably freezer burned beyond recognition and will be disappointing if you ever do use it. Hence, there is not a lot in my freezer.  However, I do freeze extra food from food prep day for use in the next two to three weeks. I will stock up on things if Kroger or H.E.B. has something I regularly use on sale like Ground Chicken Breast and Ground Turkey Breast. Right now, I have those two items plus Organic Chicken Breasts, Pork Chops, Pork Tenderloin, Shrimp and Salmon in my freezer.

Just like your pantry, organization is key. Yes, this is my refrigerator and my OCD tendencies are on display for all to see. No, I didn't organize it for this picture, it always looks this way. (I currently share my refrigerator with my housemate, he has the top shelf and right side door. Can you tell???)

Some Helpful Hints: I try to purchase organic fruits and vegetables but don't always. I am not going to spend extra money on sickly looking produce just because it is labeled organic, so use your best judgement. I will buy the organic store brand if it is available because it is made by a big name company and private labeled for the store. Usually, it is less expensive. Garlic & Herb and Ranch Flavored Starkist Tuna Pouches taste the best to me. I usually make my own protein shakes and bars but sometimes I run short on time and need a quick solution. EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control Protein Shakes in Chocolate Fudge are the best grab and go option and Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar is the best tasting bar with high protein, at least that I have found.  Keep both refrigerated because they taste better cold and remember, this is not a milkshake or candy bar so have realistic expectations about taste. If you are not a label reader, you will become one. If you try other shakes and bars, check the label. If the carbs are higher than the protein value, put it down and slowly back away. Also, check out the grams of carbs and sugar on the yogurt you choose because the variation from brand to brand will surprise you.

Do you have to buy what I do? Certainly not, this is just to give you some ideas and I hope you found it helpful. So, get your trash bag and get started!

Until next time, be your best self everyday and keep it Fit with Attitude!



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