Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's in Your Refrigerator?

Your refrigerator: The main staple of your kitchen where all the good stuff is. Your family has spent hours standing in front of it with the door open waiting for something magical to happen but that usually ends in disappointment. Then there is your freezer: That mystical, frosty place where anything could be hiding. If you have been putting off cleaning out these two items, it is time to screw your courage to the sticking place and do it. Today. First, arm yourself with a large trash bag. Second, start discarding items with wild abandon that have expired or are questionable. In all seriousness, get rid of everything that is not essential, you haven't used in six months or you know could be a temptation. Then the questions come to mind, "What is good?", "What should I keep?" and "What should I buy?" Hopefully, I can provide some guidance.

What is good? Start with the expiration date, or in the case of produce, its appearance, texture and smell. If any of those seem off, toss it. If those seem okay, put it back on the shelf for now. What should I keep? I think you know so be honest with yourself and make good choices. What should I buy? Now, there is the real question. The first two are mostly common sense but it is this very question that causes people the most anxiety. Stocking your refrigerator with the proper essentials can be confusing and, occasionally, costly. Some basics to always have on hand: Apple Baby Food, Eggs, Egg Whites (Pasteurized), Low-Fat Cottage Cheese, Non-Fat Greek Yogurt, Protein Shakes, Protein Bars, Starkist Tuna Pouches, Unsweetened Almond Milk (Original, Vanilla and Chocolate), Cranberry Juice, Diet Soda and Water. Produce will vary but these are pretty steady residents of my fruit and vegetable drawers: Apples, Lemons, Strawberries,Watermelon, Asparagus, Avocado, Baby Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Celery, English Cucumber, Hearts of Romaine Bag Lettuce, Garlic, Kale, Onions (Purple and Yellow) and Scallions. I have never been big on condiments so this is a short list: Organic Ketchup, Fat Free Caesar Dressing and Low Sodium Soy Sauce.

Now, we must talk about the freezer lest it become jealous of the refrigerator. The game meat from the "epic hunt" five years ago, needs to go. My boyfriend had a hard time parting with such things and I threw them out anyway. If it is more than six months old its probably freezer burned beyond recognition and will be disappointing if you ever do use it. Hence, there is not a lot in my freezer.  However, I do freeze extra food from food prep day for use in the next two to three weeks. I will stock up on things if Kroger or H.E.B. has something I regularly use on sale like Ground Chicken Breast and Ground Turkey Breast. Right now, I have those two items plus Organic Chicken Breasts, Pork Chops, Pork Tenderloin, Shrimp and Salmon in my freezer.

Just like your pantry, organization is key. Yes, this is my refrigerator and my OCD tendencies are on display for all to see. No, I didn't organize it for this picture, it always looks this way. (I currently share my refrigerator with my housemate, he has the top shelf and right side door. Can you tell???)

Some Helpful Hints: I try to purchase organic fruits and vegetables but don't always. I am not going to spend extra money on sickly looking produce just because it is labeled organic, so use your best judgement. I will buy the organic store brand if it is available because it is made by a big name company and private labeled for the store. Usually, it is less expensive. Garlic & Herb and Ranch Flavored Starkist Tuna Pouches taste the best to me. I usually make my own protein shakes and bars but sometimes I run short on time and need a quick solution. EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control Protein Shakes in Chocolate Fudge are the best grab and go option and Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar is the best tasting bar with high protein, at least that I have found.  Keep both refrigerated because they taste better cold and remember, this is not a milkshake or candy bar so have realistic expectations about taste. If you are not a label reader, you will become one. If you try other shakes and bars, check the label. If the carbs are higher than the protein value, put it down and slowly back away. Also, check out the grams of carbs and sugar on the yogurt you choose because the variation from brand to brand will surprise you.

Do you have to buy what I do? Certainly not, this is just to give you some ideas and I hope you found it helpful. So, get your trash bag and get started!

Until next time, be your best self everyday and keep it Fit with Attitude!



Sunday, April 20, 2014

What's in Your Pantry?

If your pantry is anything like mine, it serves as storage for a number of other items besides food. So, I thought it would be fitting to start by organizing this space so it can serve you in the most positive way. 

First, go through and and get rid of everything that has expired. I know this seems obvious but for most of us including me, we let canned goods, baking products and spices accumulate long past their expiration date. Not only does this take up valuable space, but by using things that have expired, it can ruin anything you are cooking or baking. Second, address foodstuffs in your pantry you know you shouldn't use. It is time to gather those boxes of Hamburger Helper and other short cut meals, bag them and drop them off at NAM, TEAM or your local food pantry. Third, be honest with yourself and get rid of all snack items, sweet or salty, that will derail your progress. Remember, if you want to be successful in your quest for a healthy lifestyle, changes must be made and they aren't always easy!

My walk-in pantry is extremely well organized because I don't like clutter, mess or anything that makes it hard for me to find what I am looking for. Fortunately for my OCD tendencies, I have built-in racks that run the length of my pantry door so I can keep spices, oils, vinegars and cooking sprays in order. I have dedicated shelves for can goods, baking goods, protein powders, starches, bottled drinks (water, powerade zero,juice) and storage goods. This may seem a bit over the top to some but organization is key to keeping yourself on track. When shopping for pantry staples avoid processed foods and purchase organic products. You will be surprised the impact this will have on your physical well being, not to mention your waist line! To make this a bit easier, I have put together a list to help you get started!

Spices are of utmost importance so your dishes taste interesting and you will actually want to eat them. The ones I tend to use most are Sea Salt, Pepper, Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder and Cinnamon. Always keep a low-sodium, organic chicken broth in stock. Invest in good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Coconut Oil and Balsamic Vinegar. By good quality I mean organic, not the most expensive. If you are not familiar with Grapeseed Oil, it is fabulous for cooking poultry, beef and fish at high heat and a little bit goes a long way! Starch staples to stock include Old Fashioned Oats, Quick Cooking Oats, Organic Quinoa and Organic Basmati Brown Rice. For baking consider Splenda, Xylitol, Ideal Brown Sugar, Oat Flour, Coconut Flour, Almond Milk, Coconut Milk and Kosher Salt because they are healthier than their mainstream brethren. I also keep two types of protein powder on hand: Vanilla Whey Protein Powder for baking  and Chocolate Whey Isolate Protein Powder for recovery shakes. And, last but not least: Dark Chocolate. Hey, we all have to sooth the savage sweet tooth. 

There are probably several products on this list you are not familiar with, I wasn't either before I started using them. Xylitol is a natural sweetener made from fruit extracts and I think it tastes much better than Stevia or Truvia because there is no funny aftertaste. Xylitol can be purchased at  GNC or Nutrition Depot, however, I prefer to order it online because it is half the retail price. A website I often order from is If you spend $20 shipping is free and products usually arrive within 3-5 days of order placement.

You maybe asking yourself, "Do I have to buy all this now?" No, you don't  but look at this as an initial investment in your new, healthy lifestyle. Once you have acquired it, it can be replenished as needed. I shop at Kroger, H.E.B and online. Kroger is just convenient and with their card I can get some great deals, not to mention discounts on gas. I shop at H.E.B for things I can't find at Kroger like ground chicken breast and Central Market's Organic Jasmine Green Tea. All my supplements and out of the ordinary staples are purchased online.

I hope this has given you some ideas and a project to undertake this weekend. Don't procrastinate because next we tackle the refrigerator and freezer! This is all part of the process and you must always keep your end goal in mind so find your motivation and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way! 

Until next time, be your best self and keep it Fit with Attitude!

